Here is an encouraging story from a recent trip to Jordan, where a dramatic move of God among Muslims, particularly with refugees, was documented.
“Many there are disillusioned and broken and just want to know the truth. Now more than ever there is a harvest among Muslims.” 'Hi I’m Daniel and I’m here to tell you about Jesus.' One afternoon Daniel walked into a white tent with a family of eight people inside. “Hi I’m Daniel and I’m here to tell you about Jesus,” he announced. He wasn’t quite prepared for their reaction. “The family freaked out, they looked at each other and almost turned white. The father was excited, yelling.” What’s going on? Daniel wondered. The interpreter explained that the night before Daniel’s visit, the whole family was sitting in their tent having tea together. To their surprise a man in white opened the door to their tent and stood at the entrance. The man was glowing. “Hello, My name is Jesus and I am sending a man tomorrow named Daniel to tell you more about me.” Then he disappeared. So when Daniel arrived at their doorway and told them his name, they were completely undone. They asked him to tell them more about Jesus and he explained the Gospel. The whole family converted. The father had been a part of the Free Syrian Army. He had known bloodshed. He was a devout Muslim. This man and his family are now planting underground churches in Jordan and are seeing a harvest among Muslims. Recently the father was dismayed by a large cell phone bill and he asked his 15-year-old daughter about it. “It’s because I’m telling all our relatives in Saudi Arabia about Jesus,” she said. Source: Tyler Connell, Ekballo Project Learn more about what the Ekballo Project team is doing and watch videos of what God is doing in the Middle East and with Refugees on the website,
Winter rages across the Near East, with snow, rainstorms and freezing temperatures, but despite the cold weather outside, hearts are warmed as they turn to the truth of Jesus. We feel encouraged as we continue to hear stories from our many partners working amongst refugees. As another new year has started, many organizations and churches have risen up to meet the challenge of helping, loving, encouraging and sharing with these destitute ones:
Who we are.We are ones who want to see God move in the Near East and are praying for the people and cities in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Iraq. Archives
July 2018
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